Saturday, November 29, 2014

Allow Human Clinical Weed Trials to Save Lives

Hi America,
This blog post is different from my usual post. Today I want to talk accomplishing one thing:

Because of the difference from my usual types of posting. I wanna start with the situation.

On November 27th, 2014, Thanksgiving morning, my twin sister died at the age of 20. Our birthday was only 3 days away, on November 30th. She died from a grand mal seizure while sleeping at home in preparation for Thanksgiving diner. I have reasons to believe that the medicine she was taking was the cause of these severe seizures, which is why I’m making a case against it, and I also feel certain that I have come across a cure.

As you all can imagine, I was in shock when I first heard the news. We go to different schools, and I decided to stay during Thanksgiving day to have diner with one of my roommates’ family. I found out tonight when my parents drove to my school to tell me in person. Even so, understand that this message is not an act of rage, sorrow or desperation. It’s an act of concern. I want to make sure an accident like this doesn't happen again.

1 year and 5 months prior to the event she started having partial seizures which would cause her to temporarily zone out and lose the ability to understand words and recall non-working memory. Under some circumstances, she would still function without. If it happened during things like folding clothes or looking out of a window to just observe the things outside, the seizure would be barely noticeable.

The problem would not be so bad if they assigned the appropriate solution.

The Solution

As I was wondering through reddit during my free time, I came across an article on the main page that described a boy that had his seizures increase while taking general anti-seizure medicine. He seized every 15 minutes originally. Yet after taking a “miracle drug” he didn’t have seizures for almost 9 weeks. He was taking concentrated cannabis oil in the form of pills, which is what stopped his seizures for those 9 long weeks.

This cure for epilepsy has been researched in lab rats with the condition bred in them. My source,, rated the paper at a 5/5 theoretical research level, meaning proper experiments were carried out, by professionals with PhD’s in their given field and the results all met a common consensus. Nobody disagreed with the final results. Yet extensive research in humans hasn't been completed because of marijuana’s illegality. That is why I am asking the public for my second and most difficult request. Allow marijuana to be openly tested by professional doctors on human patients.

I’m certain that if legitimate human trials of cannabis oil is deemed to be more effective than all other drugs related to epilepsy, people will begin to question the legitimacy of all drugs the pharmaceutical industry. It has the potential to damage the planned obsolescence behind the medical industry.

When I say planned obsolescence, I mean where chemist and the businessmen that fund them are constantly aiming to keep that balance of keeping their patients temporarily satisfied and coming back for more of what they prescribe to keep themselves in business. Meanwhile, like the auto industry, they use dirty tactics like sabotage their own products or omit better alternatives to make sure they don’t go out of business.

People are not cars. Regardless of the money issues, the medicine they rely on for a better life shouldn't be played with for personal gain.

I already lost my twin sister, and I have to comfort my mother who watched my sister die and couldn't do anything about it. Please help me make sure this doesn't happen again to others.

Again my one request is this:

I’m writing and sending this post on the eve of both my sisters and my own birthday. Two days after Thanksgiving. Please, help me allow for these two things to happen. Signing will be a gift for me and my late sister.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What ARMv8 (64 bit) chips mean for the future...

Sorry for not doing a blog post for a little while. I was moving back to school and needed to readjust to the school life style, and I'm still really busy.  I just now thought it was suitable to go back and write this article due to my great level of excitement. About a month ago, Apple unveiled the first 64 bit smartphones on the consumer market.

Earlier I explained that Android could be moving into the PC space. Where the PC like platform would be great for Phablets, Tablets and Android Laptops. There's also some very compelling reasons as to how such a use for android could be cool.

Now I want to explain why such a development in chip manufacturing is such an amazing thing. And how all of the computer world will benefit greatly from ARM's new set.

What's New

If you look at the feature list with the a57, you'll see that the architecture set offers a lot more than extra memory usage/allocation. The architecture set adds double precision floating point SIMD, which allows for more complicated, supercomputer quality level, mathematical operations to be completed.
ARMv8 also has many other useful features that could help programming languages like java, go and c++11 perform better in terms of memory usage and power consumption, which is nearly perfect for .
Collecting Garbage
Dynamic languages like those used on the Internet(php, javascript, dart) and Garbage collected languages(java, scala) can perform a lot better while performing less operations as well due to tagged pointers.
The cores in each chip can also share the L2 cache if necessary so the cores won't have to worry about communicating commonly used operations with each other, therefore increasing the speed.
These are just the beginning advantages. The new features go beyond only 4GB of memory. In fact, the the architecture will include more advantages than x86 64 architecture sets. Doesn't this make you excited about 64-bit?
What this adds up to ...

The parts in the last section were merely stating the new features that adds power and efficiency to the new ARMv8 architecture set, but where is it heading? To sum this up, ARM is trying to take it's architecture everywhere. If you notice, ARM has been able capture the entire mobile market and they have deals made with guys like Apple, Samsung, Qualcomm, Nvidia, AMD and Hauwei to extend their reach to the desktop and enterprise as well. The best part is it looks like ARM is actually taking those spaces pretty well.

Most people would probably ask why would people in the computing industry do this? It's very easy to answer. It makes programmer's jobs easier. A programmer can create a program for a server or supercomputer and apply the scaled version of the program to a cell phone and desktop with a lot less work than under normal conditions. That could help advance computing technologies well beyond what we already have.

Still don't think that's impressive? Imagine this: we could create better parallel computing methods that could use the thousands of cores inside of your GPU as a main processing unit on servers then use the firmware and algorithms (of course slightly modified) on your desktop,laptop, or smartphone to make your computer up to 100x faster in general operations (exaggeration). That would be pretty cool, and would be a heck of a lot easier to do with ARM architecture everywhere.

How this affects your smartphone/tablet/laptop/Car


You can have a full desktop environment run on your tablet. In fact, full versions of Linux can already run on android devices, and they can run pretty well. Check out the video on the right:

With 64 bit, you can have this feature default with your favorite tablets or smartphones, and the best part is that this decent performance can get even better.


The cost could be greatly reduced as well. If you have one chip architecture that not only works with all forms of computing, but is actually being used in more things than your cell phones, the cost of productions would be significantly reduced. It's a basic rule of economics. The more supply you have in a particular thing while maintaining a constant demand would cause the thing to reduce in price. If more people are producing ARM chips due to a slightly increased demand, refineries and foundries would reduce the price for each millimeter on a chip because they would not have to change their production to something else like x86.

The could of course be a downside as well. At the beginning the demand could be higher than what the manufacturers can supply.

Cars are going to get even smarter now. Cars already use microchips in order to shift the balance of the car for optimal performance, increase gas mileage (what all cars do these days), connect to the radio, heating, and collision optimization for safety and more. What we've recently seen in the 2014 CES show is that companies are placing powerful ARM processors in cars to not only monitor the cars' performance and vitals, but also for monitoring visuals for reversing the car.

If you look, this technology is going to reach mainstream servers soon. I personally can't wait to see what it will do.