Monday, August 5, 2013

Getting the job: Google edition

If you're like me, you really want to work for Google. In an attempt to try figuring out what I would have to do to get the internship from the company Google I asked the engineering Googler Jake Hambly for some advice, and I decided to share much of the chat with the public. Below is a Hangout we've had on the social network Google Plus. There will be commentary and useful links by me to help break the conversation into smaller, easier to read segments. 

I started the conversation on the chat introducing myself and asking what it would take for me to get an internship with the company.

Getting the job

Google employees teaching each other


Seeing you work at Google, I think it would be a good idea to ask you. How do I work there? I'm a web developer and I study psychology and user experience design to complete the web creation package. Right now I'm trying to build a social network from scratch. I think it will give me some experience. I want to mostly get an internship with them next summer.”


Sounds like a plan (everything you just wrote). I actually interview a lot of people myself, for the engineering positions. And I can say that besides having the technical skills on your resume and being able to demonstrate them...”

As a break from the conversation, I'd like to say Demonstration seemed to be one of the key parts of the getting employed by Google. Just like how a venture capitalist want to see if you can build a company in real life (not just on paper), Google wants to know if you can use your skills for the real world. A good set of projects to show off your skills usually shows everybody looking how good you are. Back to the conversation:


I can hardly wait. I've wanted to work with Google for the last 3 years, It's good to know that I'm at least on the right path.”

He went on to explain what a “culture fit” really is.


Yeah I was at Microsoft for a year because my company got acquired by them and it was awful. Google is like the exact opposite of a dysfunctional corporate bureaucracy (this made me happy).

So they like people who are good at working independently and don't need someone to hold their hand and say exactly what to do. So you have a lot of freedom as far as work hours, relatively few meetings, but you gotta make sure you are getting your work done.

They set goals for each division from the top (called OKRs) but you have a lot of freedom and input into how you accomplish them. I'd recommend a book "Inside The Plex" by Steven Levy. He had a lot of inside access & tells a great story of the history and how it is like today.”

Before you even apply, you need to make sure you meet these requirement at the very least.


That settles it, already thought it was, but now I know. Google is my kind of place.”


:-) Yeah I was fortunate to get a job myself. I always like to encourage people who recognize just how special it is.

So by make your own social network, what exactly do you mean? Like designing your own site? I'm curious what your plans are because I'm actually kind of terrible at website design and UX stuff. I'm better at writing the plumbing code inside the phone. I'm fascinated by how LinkedIn, G+, Twitter, FB etc. all have their own take on it, so I'm curious what yours might be.”

I felt no pain explaining my social network project. I was able to see what kind of response I would get.


Right Now I'm building up the back end, but I'm still in between a few ideas for what the site will actually accomplish. So my main idea is to get a bunch of university students from around the country to find others in others for help in making a startup.

It would be like linkedIn but for people (mostly students) that don't have a complicated hiring structure just want to accomplish a project, and are willing to find people to work with them on projects for free.”

Getting the interview (and doing well)

I went ahead and asked how I would first get the interview. Because we all know that getting the interview is the first step to getting your dream job.


So how would I be able to get an interview with the company?”


As for interviewing, basically it sounds like you're on the right track to have some interesting projects to put on your resume (same demonstration). It doesn't matter if they make any money or not. :-)

And then after you submit your resume, generally you'll be contacted by a recruiter who will schedule you for a 45 minute phone interview with someone at Google with similar areas of expertise to what you put down as skills (UX, psychology, site design, etc)”

What would the interview be like for programmers?


Two good examples would be the type of questions they ask at the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (I think you can find examples from previous years) and the questions in the TopCoder Arena (which has thousands of practice rooms containing each problem set used in all the previous rated competitions).

Though we don't ask questions like how many marbles could fit in an airplane or what you'd do if you were shrunk to the size of a nickel and put at the bottom of a blender or the other wacky brainteasers that people think are asked at Google interviews. maybe they did 10 years ago, but now it tends to be more directly relevant engineering-related questions.

If you find a stack overflow question or something like that where someone says they were asked a particular question at a Google interview and is soliciting answers on how to do it, that question will most likely be banned from the internal database of questions that people submit for other interviewers to look at.

For any interview you should properly prepare so worry not. Here and here are links on the best tips for a phone interview. So with further conversation, Jake gave some extra advice that I think is important for almost anything. I have found the TopCoder to be the most diverse. It holds examinations for programmers, engineers, UI designer, design and Development.


Anyway, my only other advice would be to take your time and wait to put in an application for an internship until you're 110% confident you'll do great (or at least as good as you're gonna get) because Google will be around when you're ready, but if you apply too soon and don't get a position, that's not as good.”

Doing a good job

Much further down the conversation, the topic about doing a good job while on the job came up. It's an Important aspect of getting a job in general. I was talking about how I like the javascript programming language and he stated something to not be: “It's a good sign you're excited by the power of a good programming language. Just one piece of advice on that is nobody likes an insufferable functional language snob. (I'm sure there's some comical yet educational piece to this)

I didn't know what this meant at first, but luckily he went on to explain by using a real life example:

Don't be the guy on the left.
There's one guy who worked at Google for less than a year who just ranted continuously on an internal eng mailing list about how awesome ML and Haskell and Scala were, and how stupid Google was for writing everything in boring old C++ and Java. Despite a ton of well-meaning advice from others, none of which he took, I guess he quit after a bad performance review (because apparently he didn't do any actual work the whole time)”

If you've been at any school, you've probably met somebody like the guy in the previous paragraph. Having been immersed in both the arts and technological world, and I can say that if you say that you hate Helvetian font --still no clue what's up with that-- and that a certain group of colors are perfect and shouldn't be broken out of in design, or if you're the type that states all things should be programmed in a “perfect” programming language and nothing else, then you're the type. If you are, recognize it, and kick the habit. As he said: Another big part of Google's “culture fit” is not being a braggart or arrogant / condescending / etc. Yeah:-)”

So what would make a good employee?”


What's interesting is how completely rare that case was. Normally everyone at Google is nice and friendly and laid back but also scarily smart and competent. So if you can act the part, you'll do just fine as an employee, even if you secretly think that all your coworkers are way smarter than you (which is a common feeling for Googlers). The environment is intentionally very much like your college experience now, most likely. Read "Inside the Plex" for a pretty good description. It hasn't changed since the book was written other than the # of employees is much bigger.”
It's good if this is you


So there you have it. Thanks to the Hangout with Jake Hambly, we were able to get an accurate understanding as for how we could get a position with Google. I created a checklist for getting a position with them.

How to get an internship/Job with Google:

  • Prove your skills with projects
  • Be a Independent and highly competent worker
  • Make sure your happy, open and well rounded people who aren't condescending to fit Google's culture.
  • Be well-prepared

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